Agriculture Education


Stanley Clarke

Meet Mr. Clarke!

Basic Agriculture Science:

Google Classroom: kwrzccu


Remind: chsbasicag

General Horticulture & Plant Science

Google Classroom: 7wpgz7p

Remind: chs-hort

Agricultural Mechanics I

Google Classroom: g2tpi2p

Remind: chs1agmech

Allison Bridges

Meet Ms. Bridges!

Agriculture Mechanics II

Google Classroom: 35q3ew4

Remind: chs1agmech

Forestry Science

Google Classroom: wfeogz2

Remind: chs-forest


Remind: text @aglions23 to 81010
Pathway Poster

Basic Agriculture

Introductory course inspiring students to continue their pathway in agriculture. Curriculum spans leadership and FFA, horticulture, animal science, agronomy, forestry and natural resources. 

Plant / Forest

Curriculum includes plant anatomy and genetics, integrated pest management,  resource management, alternative energy sources, pathology, identification, and silviculture. 

The Plant Science courses manage and operate the campus greenhouse and sales. 

Plant Science and Forest Science are considered 4th science options for students completing a pathway in agriculture.

Animal / Livestock

Animal Science and Veterinary Science are considered 4th science options for students completing a pathway in agriculture.

The Agricultural Production courses manage on-campus livestock and meat sales. 


Curriculum focuses on general overview of mechanics - safety, measurement, calculations, power machines, electrical wiring, calculations, woodworking and finishing.  

Mechanics courses manage our wood fabrication shop.