Stronger Together and Never Defenseless
- 2024-2025 STAND meeting presentation
- Club Photos
- What is it:
- What we do:
- Why we do it:
- What you need to do:

Contact Saylor Warren, Haylee Newborn, Isabelle Morales, Sydney Waller, or Jackson Brandenburg with questions.
STAND club is a mental health awareness organization that meets once a month to complete activities and host discussions to combat stigma.

Sponsor: Rhea Zerr
Meetings alternate between discussion topics and group projects. The topics we discuss will include common mental struggles and ways to cope with them. The group projects will be either activities we make and complete as a way to better ourselves or others in our community.

To learn more about the common struggles of high school students as well as to STAND together as a source of support and strength for each other. In addition, to bring awareness to the struggles we face in our daily lives.

First, join the Remind by texting @chsstandc to 81010. Next, attend as many meetings as possible and sign-in. Finally, help with extras and activities when possible.