Teresa Cooke

Mrs. Teresa Cooke is a Carroll County native and 1994 Central High School graduate. She earned her Associate of Science in Nursing degree in 1999 and her Bachelor of Science in Nursing in 2001, both from the University of West Georgia.

Her nursing experience includes working with Wellstar from 1999-2000, with Tanner Hospital in Carrollton from 2001-2020, along with substitute nursing for Carroll County Schools.

Teresa and her husband, Matt, have two sons, Micah and Caleb. 

Contact the school nurse!


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Medication Policies

Medication Policy

Prior to a student taking prescription medication at Central High School, the student’s parents or legal guardian must complete a “Request For Administration Of Medication” form in the front office. All prescription medication must be taken to the clinic (100 hall). Students are not allowed to carry prescription medication on school grounds.

All prescription medication must be in its original container. Any student caught distributing, selling, exchanging, or attempting to ingest prescription medication will be brought before a disciplinary tribunal.

Students will be allowed to carry their own non-prescription medication. Non-prescription medication must be in its original container. Students are prohibited from giving non-prescription medication to other students. Any student caught distributing, selling, or exchanging non-prescription medication to another student may be brought before a disciplinary tribunal.

Prohibited Items

The possession of illegal items, including drugs, weapons, and alcohol is prohibited and will result in a referral to a disciplinary tribunal hearing.

In addition, clothing or other personal effects that refer in any way to prohibited items may not be displayed. Students may not display any item which relates to gangs, inappropriate or obscene subjects, or maybe of an inflammatory nature.

These restrictions apply to all students on school property or at school-sponsored events during school hours. Other prohibited items include bandannas, clothing resembling bandannas, hats, large or heavy chains, spiked jewelry, and any other items that are deemed by Central High School's administration as having the effect of interfering with the orderly academic environment.